Hot Horses

[spb_blank_spacer height="30px" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] [spb_boxed_content type="coloured" box_link_target="_self" padding_vertical="0" padding_horizontal="0" width="1/1" el_position="first last"]     Summer is here, and as much as we enjoy the warm weather, heat can be quite dangerous for our horses, resulting in rapid dehydration. Severe heat stress can even cause diarrhoea or colic.   Here are a few things for...


EquiMind Easter Competition

Welcome to EquiMinds Easter Competition - First Prize will be this fabulous Easter Egg from Hotel Chocolate (worth just under £30) With Runner up prizes of Hotel Chocolate's "Chocolate Sandwiches"   To Enter and stand a chance of winning 1st, 2nd or 3rd Prizes: Visit our Facebook Page, like and leave a comment notifying us...