Freestyle to Music


Freestyle to Music
20 x 40 m or 20 x 60 m arena

From INTRO to MEDIUM, have a go at your own dressage test to music.
Whether you would like to test your new freestyle before going out to compete, or you simply enjoy riding elements you and your partner can do best,…
there are many reasons for freestyle dressage.

Please send a note HERE if you need some help with creating or improving your music.

Once we have received your video and our professionals created their feedback with training and competition tips (to avoid unnecessary point deductions) you will hopefully impress your trainer in your next training session or the judges at your next dressage show. Your protocol will arrive via email.
If you want your score to be added to our “High Scores”, please keep in mind that this will not be free of charge, since we need to cover the cost for our rosettes and the postage. This fee is due only once for a level in a certain discipline. You can send us altogether 5 videos of the same test to better your original score 😎
You can decide right now during the checkout process or at any time later before the September 30 deadline.

We will not check on any of your existing memberships but you need to be a music/full BD member, or have a music licence to play copied music in public. There is lovely license-free music on the market as an alternative.To register, please follow this link:

SKU: VC-DR-FR Category: Tags: , , ,


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