Best Plaited Mane

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Do you have THE best photo ever of your horse’s mane after spending hours of plaiting it up into a work of art? This includes the classic show plait but also any form of creating plaits for long manes, or any other creative approach you might take.

Send it to us to find our if someone has been trying equally hard…

We will be looking on everything we can see in the photo – obviously in terms of the mane.

You can enter as many photos as you wish, since practice makes perfect 😁

PHOTO TYPES: Any photo taken at a dressage competition, or at home, as long as it shows the entire plaited mane of your horse in the photo. Please don’t send photos of your horse standing in 10 m distance.

JUDGING CRITERIA: Plaiting skills

RULES: We won’t accept any photo-shopped images.

How much time do I have?

We will post all your wonderful photos on Social Media (if you gave us your permission) the have reached us until the 30 September 2025. The deadline is midnight, 30.9.2025😊

What’s up for grabs?

If you have added the “High Scorer” to your free entry, you will get a rosette and, depending on your placing and availability, a prize from one of our sponsors.

SKU: PH-PL-MA Category: Tag:
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