Individual – Trot & Walk
Compulsory in the trot & Freestyle in the walk on the horse (or a barrel) – you may send two separate videos for the compulsory & freestyle round.
Compulsory -…
Individual – Canter
Compulsory & Freestyle in the canter on the horse or a barrel – you may send two separate videos for the compulsory & freestyle round.
Compulsory (British Equestrian Vaulting Test 1):
Individual – Canter & Walk
Compulsory in the canter & Freestyle in the walk on the horse or a barrel – you may send two separate videos for the compulsory & freestyle round.
Compulsory – please…
Vaulting Team – Walk
Compulsory Test & Freestyle
To be performed in the walk on the horse or a barrel – you may send two separate videos for the compulsory & freestyle round.
Compulsory Test (to…
Individual – Walk
Compulsory and Freestyle in the walk on the horse or a barrel – you may send two separate videos for the compulsory & freestyle round.
Compulsory – please note that this…