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How can I enter and send my video to EquiMind?
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Entering a class
- Have a look at all the available classes
- Once you have chosen and added your class(es) to the cart, follow the checkout process via PayPal.
- You don’t have to send your video together with your entry.
- Download the test/pattern
- Set up your camera person in the right spot (at C for all dressage and groundwork test, or as indicated) and have a go.
- Take a few videos and pick the best one.
- All videos have to be submitted until the last day of every month or as per deadline.
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To send your video/photo to EquiMind, you simply save your video with your name, date and class number.
* If you have a YouTube account, upload your video and email your YouTube link to silke@equimind.co.uk or enter the link, together with your details on our submissions page. If you don’t have a YouTube account but would like to open one (it’s free), here is a link: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/161805?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en
* Alternatively, you can upload your video/photo to our private Facebook Rider Group. Everyone can access our public page, while the private group is exclusively open to competitors and not publicly visible. We will move videos off our Facebook pages, if you don’t want to have your video/photo shown on Facebook/YouTube/Website.
* Dropbox (https://www.dropbox.com/?landing=fd) or WeTransfer (https://wetransfer.com/) are two other options for free uploads. Simply, open a free account, and forward the link to our email address, silke@equimind.co.uk or to our submissions page. Due to the smaller amount of data, photos can be sent directly as an attachment to your mail.
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