Laura und Bella

Where do I start...My name is Laura, and I am 19 years old. I live near Bremen in Germany, together with my horse and dogs.I started riding at the age of 5 but have seen of me as a 3 year old sitting on a lead rein pony. So, my...


Western & Horsemanship Qualifiers – July 2017

Horsemanship Walk & Trot 1st - Sophie Hill 2nd - Emmie Foxall 3rd - Carol Holden 4th - Sam Kelly Horsemanship Walk 1st - Chesca Burrows 2nd - Lexi Hough Western Pleasure Horse Walk & Jog 1st - Emma Barrett 2nd - Lexi Hough Western Pleasure Horse Novice Rider 1st - Lexi Hough Horsemanship Walk & Trot 1st - Tracy Norton 2nd - Lexi Hough


EquiMind Summer Championship 2017

There is plenty of time to enter our Summer Championship 2017 The Championship will be announced on Friday, 15th of September, and all Championship videos have to be in by that date.  50% off vouchers will not be accepted for the Championship, but feel free to use them if you are...


Meet Ruby from EquiPepper

[spb_boxed_content type="coloured" box_link_target="_self" padding_vertical="0" padding_horizontal="0" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] Ruby From EquiPepper reviews Equimind Online Equestrian Competitions [/spb_boxed_content] [spb_blank_spacer height="30px" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] [spb_boxed_content type="coloured" box_link_target="_self" padding_vertical="0" padding_horizontal="0" width="1/1" el_position="first last"]   EquiPepper was born from Ruby’s love of thoroughbreds, her experiences retraining her own ex racehorse (Highland Rain) and interesting lectures...


Hot Horses

[spb_blank_spacer height="30px" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] [spb_boxed_content type="coloured" box_link_target="_self" padding_vertical="0" padding_horizontal="0" width="1/1" el_position="first last"]     Summer is here, and as much as we enjoy the warm weather, heat can be quite dangerous for our horses, resulting in rapid dehydration. Severe heat stress can even cause diarrhoea or colic.   Here are a few things for...


Rider & Handler Ambassador Opportunity

[spb_boxed_content type="coloured" box_link_target="_self" padding_vertical="0" padding_horizontal="0" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] Rider & Handler Ambassador Opportunity [/spb_boxed_content] [spb_blank_spacer height="30px" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] [spb_boxed_content type="coloured" box_link_target="_self" padding_vertical="0" padding_horizontal="0" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] [/spb_boxed_content] [spb_blank_spacer height="30px" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] [spb_boxed_content type="coloured" box_link_target="_self" padding_vertical="0" padding_horizontal="0" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] We are very keen on supporting enthusiastic riders and handlers.As a show &...


EquiMind Easter Competition

Welcome to EquiMinds Easter Competition - First Prize will be this fabulous Easter Egg from Hotel Chocolate (worth just under £30) With Runner up prizes of Hotel Chocolate's "Chocolate Sandwiches"   To Enter and stand a chance of winning 1st, 2nd or 3rd Prizes: Visit our Facebook Page, like and leave a comment notifying us...